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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 5:53pm
Captain Daegan Baas
Name Daegan Baas
Position Commanding Officer
Rank Captain
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Trill (Joined) | |
Age | 59 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6' 2" | |
Weight | 210 | |
Hair Color | Silver / Grey | |
Eye Color | Grey-Blue | |
Physical Description | Tall, muscular, with broad shoulders and angular facial features, with spots that go all the way. |
Spouse | Julianna Raihan-Kurral | |
Children | Esme Raihan-Kurral Daughter - born 2378 Starfleet Academy: 2395 to 2399 USS Ganymede (Luna): 2399 to Present Vadir Raihan-Kurral Son - born 2380 Trill Musical Academy: 2399 to Present |
Father | Ebon Kurral (unjoined) | |
Mother | Hizari Kurral (unjoined) | |
Brother(s) | ||
Sister(s) | Lilee Kurral (unjoined) | |
Other Family |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | As a joined trill he as several lifetimes of experience to draw from. Generally good natured, to the casual observer he would appear to be in a fool mood due to his stoic expression. Had been a bit of a prankster but had to give that up as he was promoted into higher and higher leadership positions. Although he has been known to 'unofficially' suggest actions to others. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | + Analytical + Observant + Personable + Fun loving - Stubborn - Argumentative - Many have been mistakenly intimidated by his seeming sour expression |
Ambitions | Having met his original goals of family and command he is generally content with the direction of his life. While not even thinking of retirement his focus is on his family, his ship, and his crew. | |
Hobbies & Interests | After being joined he learned the guitar while at the Academy and several years later taught himself to play the piano Enjoys water sports, relaxing on the beach, and living off the land camping Practices Suus Mahna and Akido |
Personal History | Born, Daegan Kurral in 2340 Daegan had a typical childhood and hoped one day of becoming joined. Though neither of his parents were join they never pushed the idea, but supported him in his efforts. Having been athletically inclined at an early age he was never had an issue keeping fit pushed himself. Academically he struggled with higher mathematics as well as scientific classes. In his younger years it never seem to matter but when he realized the requirement for consideration by the Symbiosis Commission he knuckled down, and even got tutors when needed. Accepted into the Trill Initiate program: 2359-60 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History of the Baas Symbiot: Born on Trill in 2025 the Baas symbiot remain unjoined to a host until 2119 Previous Hosts: Renor – The first host to carry the Baas Symbiot, Renor was a University Professor and debate instructor. Ended up divorced with 3 children and 2 grand children Renor died at the age of 103, in 2201, after carrying the symbiot for 82 years. Jinel – Joined in 2201, was the second host for the Baas symbiot. Jinel Baas, was a successful musician and a bit of a hedonist. Preferring the pleasures of life that tended to go hand in hand with with life in the spotlight. Unfortunately her life in the fast lane led to her death in 2246. Only carrying the symbiot for 45 years. 2202 Lizula – Joined in 2246, after the sudden death of the previous host Lizula had never intended to be joined, but circumstances being what they were she accepted the Baas symbiot at the age of 37. The changes in personality after joining ruined her career and after some training from the Symbiosis Commission, left Trill, eventually making her way to Earth. While on Earth she served as a civilian contractor for Starfleet. Eventually, meeting a fellow Trill she married, having a 2 children. Specializing in tactical systems, she helped increase a starships phaser strength by channeling them through the main engines. Before retiring she over saw the new systems into the refit of the USS Enterprise. Lizula Baas and her family returned to Trill in 2287, after being targeted twice by mysterious probes, they decided Earth was too much of a hot spot. In the years that followed she saw the birth of her second grandchild before passing on her symbiot in 2306 after carrying Baas for 60 years. Saman - Joined in 2306 Saman was the fourth host who had requested the Baas symbiot as he had been a family friend of Lizula Baas and she had mentored him prior to his application to the initiate program. Prior to joining Saman had been a private and behind the scenes type of person. Once joined the experiences of the previous hosts enabled him to become a capable negotiator. Working as a junior aid on the Treaty of Algeron 2311 he learned quite a bit as he observed the interactions of both Federation an Romulan negotiators. Over the rest of his negotiating career he worked on many smaller agreements and treaties, but his main focus had been the maintain the Khitomer Accords and he worked to turn that agreement into a permanent peace. With the loss of the Enterprise-C at Narendra III that event effectively ended Romulan-Klingon relations and cemented an Alliance between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. Retiring from service in 2345 Saman returned to Trill where Saman continued to teach until his health began to fail. As the years progressed his isoboramine levels slowly dropped until the host developed the Trill equivalent of dementia. In order to protect the symbiot, Bass was removed in 2360 and given to Daegan Kurral...creating Daegan Baas. Daega - Joined in 2360 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After being joined now Daegan Bass had difficulties with his parents, or more accurately they has trouble relating to him. Not wishing to prolong their discomfort he applied to and was accepted to Starfleet Academy; a first for a Baas host. As a result of the joining Daegan had little difficulties with his studies but also found himself a bit more argumentative, debating many issues, was also very fun loving . On the other side things he had the ability to look at an issue from outside the situation. With his own...or what we was sure was his own predisposition combined with the influences of the previous hosts he took an interest in the Tactical and Security tact as a career path. Though one day he hoped to sit in the big chair. After graduation he a was assigned Utopia Planitia as a security officer. While there he apprehended a Romulan infiltrator trying to gain access to the Defiant Class development project. As a result of this he is promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and a year later is posted aboard the USS Excalibur. The Excalibur was assigned to a sector of space near the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan borders. Looking forward to serving on the Ambassador Class ship his hopes came crashing down when the ship ended up dock at SB 234 for repairs. The repairs we so extensive that most of the crew, including the command staff were all reassigned. With him being one of the newer additions to the crew, he and a hand-full of others got stuck aboard. Watching over an empty ship while the repairs were underway. All hell broke loose with the outbreak of a Klingon Civil War and orders to get the Excalibur ready to deploy for a special assignment. After scrambling and managing to get the tactical systems up to spec he found himself appointed as the ships Tactical Officer by the Commander assigned as CO for the operation. With the quick end to the Klingon Civil War the Excalibur's repairs were completed and he Daegan was made Assistant Chief of Security and the Beta shift Tactical Officer. In 2369 was was called to the ready room and told a new starship was being commissioned and needed a Security and Tactical Chief and promoted to full Lieutenant. Deagan served on the USS Thunderbird has Security Chief for many many years. Following the end of the Dominion War officers were need to help man those ships being repaired or newly built. Because of his time on the Thunderbird, Daegan was transferred to the newly repaired USS Avalon, as the ship's First Officer. During his time aboard the Avalon he prepared to face the Borg once again as 18 ships prepared to face whatever emerged from the Transwarp conduit forming near Earth. To his and everyone's amazement a sphere emerged, only to explode and the USS Voyage flew out of the fireball. Several years after the Shinzon incident Federation starship began traveling to Romulus as diplomatic relation began to improve and expand. The fight shared by the Enterprise and Romulan forces, not only to save Earth but to rid Romulus of Shinzon and his Reman forces, opened the door to trust. See that the USS Atlantic was going to assigned to the region Daegan submitted his name to be considered as XO and was selected. During his time aboard he made many contacts, and rekindled an old acquaintance of one of his previous hosts as the Atlantic carried or escorted envoys between Earth and Romulus. Due to his work and the Atlantic's XO and the experiences from his previous host he was eventually offered a position in the diplomatic mission to Romulus. Something his wife greatly encouraged him to accept. Eventually he missed being out amongst the stars and was given command of the Luna class USS Europa. For a time the Europa was a training vessel allowing senior cadets to get actual experience prior to graduating. After serving as a training vessel, the Europa was sent to the Bajoran sector to aid in dealing the Cardassians after they successfully undermined Federation Dilithium mining. Being in that sector brought back a lot of memories for Daegan and his wife as so many things had happen for both of them in this area over the years. During a trip near the Badlands the Europa was severely damaged by a mine left over from the Dominion War and drifted into the Badlands where it was at the mercy of the plasma storms. Thankfully most of the crew survived, but the Europa was lost. While everyone recovered on Bajor, what remain of his crew had been reassigned and Daegan was recalled to Earth... |
Service Record | 2361-2365 Starfleet Academy - Ensign 2365-2367 Security Officer, Utopia Planitia – Ltjg (2366) 2367-2369 USS Excalibur – Sec/Tac Officer, Asst Chief of Sec. – Lt (2369) 2369-2375 USS Thunderbird - Chief Sec/Tac Officer 2375-2380 USS Avalon – First Officer 2381-2387 USS Altantic – First Officer 2387-2389 Diplomatic mission to Romulus 2389-2399 USS Europa - Commanding Officer 2400-Present USS Valkyrie – Commanding Officer |