- 5 Mission Posts
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Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 6:16pm
Ensign J'Haz Sasha
Name J'Haz Jagger Sasha
Position Assistant Chief Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human/Vulcan hybrid | |
Age | 26 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'8" | |
Weight | 130 lb | |
Hair Color | Pale blonde | |
Eye Color | Emerald green | |
Physical Description | Fit but curvaceous, an excellent blend of both Vulcan and Human species. Sasha is a unique blend of Vulcan and Terran forms of beauty. Her fair skin and blonde hair favors her human mother, but her pale green eyes and subtly pointed ears reveal her father's contribution. She is physically fit from an active life spent in pursuit of knowledge. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Father | Swann | |
Mother | Janice | |
Brother(s) | ||
Sister(s) | ||
Other Family |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Sasha is a woman of intense curiosity and drive. She relishes life and all the opportunities it can provide. She enjoys exploration of all varieties, be it scientific or personal. Her greatest enemy is boredom, and she has been known to go to great lengths to escape it. Sasha is considered one of the brightest minds of her generation. Her parents were both leaders of their respective fields. Sasha was judged to have the potential to exceed both of their respective careers. With those expectations came both opportunities and expectations. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Her adventurous attitude and willingness to take personal risks in the pursuit of knowledge have given her multiple opportunities to expand scientific horizons. Weaknesses Sasha's high scores throughout School brought significantly daunting expectations. Competitors and rivals with poor ethical standards were known to bully and sabotage Sasha's efforts. She had to learn the hard way that not everybody was interested in peaceful coexistence, even in the scholastic world. By the time she arrived at Starfleet academy, she had learned how to manage such miscreants. Sasha does have telepathic abilities inherited from her Vulcan father, but she's considered average at best. She does have the proper training to use the ability she has. She has the physical training to perform the Vulcan neck pinch. Her scientific curiosity has led her into a number of dangerous adventures, but she seems to have good fortune well above statistical expectations. |
Ambitions | Sasha harbors dreams to visit the galactic core as well as go beyond the rim of the galaxy itself. She has a wanderlust from growing up on an exploration ship, she craves to see what lies beyond the farthest star. Sasha, like every good child, wants to make her parents proud of her achievements. Sometimes that ambition is at odds with her desire for adventure. Her father chides her for that all too human streak of chaos. |
Hobbies & Interests | Sasha has a diverse number of cultural pastimes. She acquired a devotion to music from her mother. She has a particular focus in classic popular music of Terra from the 20th to 22nd century. She knows how to play several musical instruments from multiple worlds, and she owns a treasured electric guitar. She's been known to play in the lounges of the ship. She has an unexpectedly good singing voice. She also learned a number of styles of physical movement regimes and martial arts from a variety of worlds that helped her maintain her fitness and flexibility in any number of environments and settings. She likes to collect geologic specimens from every planet she visits. In other words, it's a rock collection. |
Personal History | Sasha was born aboard the USS Shenandoah, a federation deep space texploration cruiser. Her parents, both scientists of significant renown, doted on their only child. By the time she could use a tricorder, she was assisting in the ship’s labs under supervision. Her evaluations earned her a prestigious spot at the Vulcan Science Academy. That opportunity had the entire family relocate to Vulcan. After a period of adjustment against rampant bullying--evidently a Vulcan tradition in their school system, Sasha began to prosper within the academy. By the time she completed her training, she had made a strong enough impression to earn an offer of a commission in the Vulcan exploratory fleet. A posting like this was a rare thing for a hybrid. But rather than accept that commission, she chose acceptance into Starfleet Academy. Starfleet Academy was the perfect counterpoint to the insulated world of the Vulcan Science Academy. Her horizons were expanded on multiple levels. She even found time to fall in love a couple of times. Sasha was about more than just academics at the Academy. She joined the Academy's Pareses squares team. She was the lead jammer the year the team won the M’Tumba interstellar trophy. After thriving in the academy environment, Sasha looked forward to her first posting to a starship pointed towards the frontier and new adventures and discoveries. But instead of a berth on the latest exploration cruiser, she was approached by Starfleet research and development. They offered her an opportunity to work with them with secret black sites hiding cutting edge technology that had yet to be studied. She leapt at the chance to join the investigations into such unique artifacts and treasures. |
Service Record | Starfleet Academy Starfleet Special Projects - R&D Division USS Valkyrie |