
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 5:53pm

Lieutenant Adana Ramsey

Name Adana Ramsey

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 144 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Meticulous about her appearance in uniform or out. Her shoulder length hair is usually styled up when on duty. She always moves with purpose, her head high and her posture perfect.


Father Graz
Mother Uzma
Other Family Tia Ramsey (biological mother, deceased)
Russell Ramsey (biological father, deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Focused and professional, Adana holds herself and those around her to the highest standard. She appreciates the value of rest and relaxation, but when on duty it is time to work. It is rare for her to form friendships beyond surface level, and rarer still for any romantic interest or attachment. She is friendly, but her straight forward nature can be off-putting to some. Her personality was largely informed by the Tellarite culture of her adopted parents, and she can be very defensive of Tellarites in general. She is unafraid to speak her mind and will never back down from a good argument; however, she is respectful even when disagreeing strongly with someone and is drawn to intelligent debate to explore all sides of an issue.
Strengths & Weaknesses (+) Direct
(+) Confident
(+) Fair
(+) Skilled Pilot

(-) Blunt
(-) Perfectionist
(-) Emotionally Avoidant

Ambitions Adana is solely focused on earning her own command. Any personal interests are secondary to this goal.
Hobbies & Interests Gardening, being outdoors, yoga, meditation, puzzles, mysteries

Personal History Adana never knew her birth parents; they were both Starfleet officers who died in a shuttle accident when she was 5 months old. She was adopted by her godparents, a Tellarite couple who had served alongside them. Her new father, Graz, was the ship’s counselor and her new mother, Uzma, was an enlisted engineer. When their ship suffered catastrophic damage during The Battle of Sector 001, Graz and Uzma knew they were all lucky to have survived and decided that Adanna deserved to grow up in a safer environment than a Federation starship. They requested a transfer and were relocated to a Starfleet Medical Facility on Tellar Prime.

Though her adoptive parents did their best to expose her to elements of her birth culture, Adana thrived on Tellar Prime. She had happily taken to her family’s plant-based dietary preferences and could hold her own in any argument with a classmate or teacher. When not hard at work she could be found outside and joined Graz whenever he puttered in the family garden. Adopting the hobby, the pair soon grew most of the family’s food.

Adana focused her education on preparing to apply to Starfleet Academy, where she found herself drawn to the order and logistics of the Operations division. Believing this field would best prepare her for her own command one day, she threw herself into her studies, mastering the software side of Starfleet. With many of her classes overlapping in engineering, she made a point to also train as a pilot. This served a logical purpose, as some ships had started to combine Ops and Helm into one station, yet it was also a way to ensure she had the skill to prevent any flight-related accidents like the one that had claimed her birth parents.

This training came in handy as she was assigned as a Helm/Ops officer to the Defiant class USS Maverick upon graduation. Steadily, Adana has advanced in her career to the point that she has been assigned to her second posting as Chief Operations Officer, this time on a ship she hopes will offer her more opportunity to develop her skills at command.
Service Record Starfleet Academy: 2385-2389
2389-2391: USS Maverick, Helm/Ops Officer
2391-2394: USS Odyssey, Operations Officer
2394-2396: USS Aurora, Assistant Chief Operations Officer
2396-2400: USS Aurora, Chief Operations Officer
2400-Present: USS Valkyrie, Chief Operations Officer