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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 5:53pm

Lieutenant M'Tala "Hobbes" Clan Hrasi

Name M'Tala "Hobbes" Clan Hrasi

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Caitian
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color Golden
Eye Color Gold and Black
Physical Description He keep his golden fur neat and his jaw fur short. Lean and sinewy with the ability to run at great speed and leap almost 3 time his height. His muscular tail can do some damage if used as a weapon.


Spouse None
Children None
Father G'Renn
Mother Sh'taz
Brother(s) R'Tuaw
Sister(s) H'Niss
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Born to a litter of 10 he was the one that was always looking to the stars.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Quick reflexes
+ Sharp eyesight
+ Physical Strength
+ Loyalty

- Hates water
- Can be "reckless" at times. Especially when in a pilots seat.
Ambitions To be the first of his clan to command a Federation Starship
Hobbies & Interests Has a keen interest in piloting various craft - the faster the betting.
Hand to hand combat

Personal History Even at a young age M'Tala was captivated by speed and flight. Before he was even old enough for formal flight training he was sneaking about transports and shuttles to watch and learn. Simulators, trainer craft it didn't matter he was about the local flight center every spare moment he had.

See that there was no stopping him a regional pilot took him under his wing and began to teach him about aerodynamics, propulsion, reentry, you name it. Once he made it into the flight deck of his first warp capable starship his desire to get out into space was only ingrained even deeper into his being.

By the time he was old enough for flight school he was teaching his instructors.

While at the Academy his piloting skilled got him onto the flight team earlier than any cadet in history. His uncanny instincts had him flying Federation fighters in advanced flight training before he even graduated.

In flight school one of his instructors was in 21st century comic strips. That and his habit of getting into trouble with a shorter human earned him the call sign of Hobbs.
Service Record 2381 to 2385 - Starfleet Academy
2386 - Starfleet Advanced Flight Training
2387 to 2391 - SB 400 - Fighter Pilot - Gryphon Class
2391 to 2395 - USS Columbia - Helm Officer / Fighter pilot - Valkyrie Class
2395 to 2400 - USS Aurora - Helm Officer / Asst. Chief Helm Officer
2400 to Present - USS Valkyrie - Chief Flight Control Officer