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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 5:53pm

Lieutenant Commander Ridge Maguire

Name Ridge Maguire

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Vulcan
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 160 lbs.
Hair Color Black Hair (Styled)
Eye Color Light Blue
Physical Description Ridge has straight, glossy black hair that he wears styled and the pointed ears common to the Vulcan half of his ancestry. His eyes are light blue and while, he is not overly demonstrative, his eyes do tend to convey some of what he's feeling. The Maguire family, who own a horse ranch in what was once Ontario, Canada, have never given up on jeans and Ridge follows that tradition. His favorite outfits always include jeans and some sort of loose-fitting top. He is lean, with little to no body fat, owing to a fast metabolism and a punishing workout routine.


> Bronze-tinted skin with pointed ears.
> Straight, glossy black hair/almost no body hair
> Vulcan internal anatomy including organ placement (heart where liver would be on a human for example/heart beats several hundred times/minute)
> Copper-based blood
> Body chemistry used little if any sodium chloride
> Highly efficient respiratory system. Comfortable in high temperatures.
> Highly adaptable digestive tract.
> Very sensitive hearing
> Can survive for several days without water/inner eyelids to protect his eyes
> Superior metabolism. Caffeine and saponins have little effect.
> Can survive for long durations without food or sleep.
> Only slightly stronger than a human but considerably faster reflexes.
> Sensitive to nitrous oxide gas which rapidly renders him unconscious
> Lifespan of two hundred years or more with slowed aging
> Brain in direct control of most bodily functions. Can enter a trance-like state to concentrate energy on repairing injuries.
> Traumatic memories have physical consequences as well as psychological ones.
> Trelium-D acts as a neuro-toxin, destroying neural pathways that govern emotions. Treatment must be provided quickly after exposure.
> Trained contact telepath. Can perform mind melds. Can sense uncontrolled strong emotions.
> Experiences pon farr.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Colin Maguire (deceased)
Mother T'Lyr (deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Paternal Grandparents: Maxwell and Catherine Maguire
Maternal Grandparents: Arev and T'Lyr

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ridge is a child of two worlds and as is often the case, not entirely comfortable in either one. Probably the sole exception to this is the Maguire ranch where his grandfather, Maxwell Maguire, retired Starfleet Security, and his grandmother, Catherine Maguire, retired school teacher, have a working horse ranch.

His Vulcan grandparents ensured that he spent time learning how to be Vulcan, even to the point of requiring long visits to the home world every two years until he became old enough to stop that practice. From those trips, he learned meditation, control of his telepathy and mind melds, as well as Vulcan logic and philosophy. His human grandparents gave him the freedom to figure out what he wanted for his life, without trying to push their agenda onto him, as long as he kept up with his schoolwork and helped on the ranch.

He is somewhat reserved emotionally but he does not deny his emotions the way the Vulcan side of his family does. From the horses and chores, he learned patience, discipline, and a strong work ethic. From Max, he learned about duty, honor and the family's long tradition of service.

He is very aware of his differences and how most people see him as an dark horse and are unsure how to interact with him. It's worse with Vulcans who interact with him in a way that conveys their disapproval (though its subtle and for humans, easy to miss - but its there)
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
> Intelligent, strong tactical sense, very aware of his surroundings
> Eidetic Memory, good at pattern recognition and has a strong curiosity about everything around him
> Diplomatic (which surprised even him). Studies cultures to help him understand their people.
> Good with weapons/hand-to-hand combat (and yes, he learned the pinch)

> Doesn't lie (though he has learned how to 'not lie' without saying what he's actually thinking) and strongly values honesty. With Ridge, its basically, don't ask if you don't really want to know.
> Misses the ranch and his grandparents. Tries to visit whenever he can.
> Needs to meditate on a regular basis.
> Sensitive to the needs of others - especially the dark horses
> Not good in the sciences -- another stereotype busted!
Hobbies & Interests > Working out to keep his skills up. Good in hand-to-hand and the use of weapons. Knows the pinch.
> Daily meditation to remain balanced emotionally
> Watching movies - a passion he shares with his grandmother, Catherine. He has an eclectic taste but does not enjoy slapstick.
> Reading. Loves to read about other cultures. Doesn't read much fiction.
> Chess. He's very good at it.

Personal History Ridge is the only son of an only son. Colin Maguire, a skilled mathematician and physicist who was also autistic and very uncomfortable with emotional displays, wed the widowed T'Lyr, an astronomer and physicist, whose life work was the study of the universe. Both in Starfleet, they worked aboard the USS Faraday and died in an attack by Orion pirates. Ridge, who was only six months old at the time, was handed over to his paternal grandparents to raise.

His Vulcan grandparents reached out to Max and Catherine about the need for Ridge to receive basic instruction in what it meant to be a Vulcan. Max and Catherine agreed providing the instruction took place on Earth; Arev and T'Lan agreed with the proviso that Ridge spent no less than six weeks on Vulcan every two or three years.

Among the Vulcans, Ridge learned discipline, logic, and emotional control. He learned about his telepathy, how to erect shields, and more. What he also learned was how relentlessly unforgiving Vulcans could be; even with emotional control, his classmates always made sure that he knew their disdain for his half-breed status. To be part human, to their way of thinking, was to be less. Inferior.

And yet, on the ranch, Ridge knew a freedom that he could never experience on Vulcan. Max and Catherine weren't trying to define who he was; instead, they accepted him as is and taught him about honor, responsibility, and the need to be truthful. Through them, he learned to connect on an emotional level with cats, dogs and horses. He learned how to show and receive love. He learned to laugh.

And when he compared the worlds, their differing philosophies, it didn't take him long to figure out what he wanted for his life -- however hard a path that would be. When he was old enough, he stopped going to Vulcan and legally changed his name from Sevryn to Ridge Maguire.
Service Record 2377-2381: Starfleet Academy. Security major/Command minor.

2381-2390: USS Standing Bear, Excelsior II Class. Started as Assistant Chief of Security and worked up to Chief of Security. The ship was often tasked with transporting Admirals and Ambassadors and participated in several large scale humanitarian efforts.

2390-2400: USS Tecumseh, Sovereign Class. Initially served as Chief of Security and Second Officer, eventually promoted to First Officer. Participated in numerous exploratory missions as well as VIP transport into potentially hostile space.

2400-Now: USS Valkyrie, Vesta Class, First Officer.