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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 5:41pm

Lieutenant Liam O'Riley

Name Liam O'Riley

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 165 lbs.
Hair Color Ginger
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Liam is tall and has a solid build with short hair sporting a closely trimmed beard.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Finn O’Riley
Mother Erin Dubois - O’Riley
Brother(s) James O’Riley
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Respects the command structure but isn’t afraid to let his concerns be known if the situation calls for it while remaining professional. Great follow through and is committed to do his best on a daily basis.
Strengths & Weaknesses S: < Great followthrough
< Hard working
< Cares about his shipmates and those under his charge

W: < Doesn’t like to fail but tries to learn from his mistakes
< Sometimes he goes too far trying to prove a point
Ambitions Would like to advance in rank someday, but it doesn’t define who he is or what he does. Would like to teach at the Academy later in his career.
Hobbies & Interests H: Working out to stretch his muscles
Reading a good book
Tending to his bonsai trees

I: Reading tech manuals,
Observing other people; especially beautiful women.

Personal History Liam was born in 2360 to Finn and Erin O’Riley just outside Dublin, Ireland on planet Earth. Finn, his father, owned a shuttle repair shop while Erin, his mother, taught economics at a secondary school.

At the tender age of three his parents welcomed another baby into the family who they named James after Finn’s grandfather. Liam and James would become best friends as well as being brothers.

Liam had the usual primary school education, but not showing much interest in anything and was content with just getting by in his life; this concerned his father greatly.

By the time Liam reached his twelfth year Finn decided to take his oldest son to work and introduce him to a real life job.

It wasn’t very long at all that Finn noticed Liam’s enthusiasm with his business; but mainly how the inner workings of a shuttle worked to produce a space worthy vehicle.

When Liam reached his mid teens he would go with his father to work and started learning the ins and outs of shuttle repair when he wasn’t in school; also his grades went from average to way above average as he seemed to actually care about his grades now.

In his seventeenth year, Liam could dismantle any system on a shuttle, fix the problem, and reassemble it having it operate at near or above specifications which pleased his father greatly.

At eighteen he informed his parents he wanted to enroll at the Star Fleet Academy and study engineering. While his father was pleased, he was disappointed that Liam would not be taking over the family business; a void that his younger brother James would fill in a few years.
Service Record 2378 - 2382: Attended the Academy majoring in engineering.

2382 - 2387: Assigned to USS Hermes, Saber Class, Ensign, Engineering Officer.

2387 - 2393: USS Hope, Medical Ship, Ensign, ACEO.

2393 - 2397: USS Cleveland, Excelsior Class, Lieutenant JG, Chief Engineer.

2397 - 2400: USS Vigilant, Sovereign Class, Lieutenant, Chief Engineer.

2400 - Present: USS Valkyrie, Vesta Class, Lieutenant, Chief Engineer.