
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 5:41pm

Ensign Konnibet S'ladaar [Baas]

Name Konnibet S'ladaar [Baas]

Position Quantum Slipstream Engineer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Aquatic Xindi
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Hair Color
Eye Color
Physical Description


Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Strengths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Interests

Personal History It took a long time to heal the mistrust between the humans and the Xindi and not all of the Xindi races even wanted to in the first place. The Primates and the Aquatics races were the first followed by the Arboreals.

The first Aquatic to apply for service in the Federation, Konnibet options were limited. Unlike the other Xindi, Aquatics can only survive in water so they require specialized environments; for example, starships or stations with cetacean facilities.

Like the rest of her species the are extremely private and don't like feeling they are on display, so "Aquarium" options where unacceptable, often offensive, service options unless privacy concern were addressed prior to even being presented.

While at the Academy she found many scientific principles taught to be rudimentary but found a keen interest in the quantum field theory and quantum slipstream technology.

After graduation Konnibet awaited the completion of the Valkyrie at San Francisco but once the ship's cetacean operations center was finish and certified, she was transferred to Utopia Planitia and her new home.
Service Record 2395 to 2399 - Starfleet Academy
2400 to Present - USS Valkyrie