- 7 Mission Posts
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Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 6:16pm
Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome
Name Urushi Yaotome
Position Chief Science Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Trill (Joined) | |
Age | 34 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'4" | |
Weight | 122lbs | |
Hair Color | Light Purple (Dyed), Naturally Light Brown | |
Eye Color | Hazel | |
Physical Description | Urushi is a joined Trill. She is fairly small and has a light build for a Trill female. Her hair is naturally light brown, however she dyes it light purple. She believes that it makes her more unique. She usually keeps her hair tied up in a pony tail and when she lets it down it goes to below her shoulders. She has the unique Trill spots/markings than run from her temple down to her ankles and these can be seen on her face and neck when in uniform. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Father | Bunim Yaotome | |
Mother | Jauba Yaotome | |
Brother(s) | ||
Sister(s) | ||
Other Family |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Before Joining Urushi's character can be described as a happy go lucky. She isn't often found not smiling. She cares deeply about others and what they think. She has been known to go out of her way to please others. She is also very passionate about space and science and will defend her position until blue in the face at times. Urushi is fiercly loyal to her friends and crew. She can sometimes be a little overwhelmed by large crowds as she is much more of the quiet and nerdy type of officer. After Joining Urushi still has the same traits as before. However after being joined with the Leon symbiot, she has gained much more confidence. She also now has far more faith in her abilities and with Leon's experiences has gained a more forward and overall commanding demeanour. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Before Joining Strenghts include: Scientifically Minded - Urushi is very scientifically minded. She has a vast knowledge of the majority of science subjects. Her speciality however is Astrophysics. She has always been fascinated with all aspects of science, so she sometimes ends up slipping this knowledge and fascination into her daily life. She sometimes works out things in her head when there is no need to. Logical thinking - As a science officer she has always had to be logical. It always seems to work for Vulcans. She thinks logically about situations and what is the best option to take. This can be useful at times in her job, especially when the universe works on the priciples of Mathematics and Logic at some times. Quick Thinking - Urushi is naturally a quick thinker. She has the ability to work out problems fast in her mind. Sometimes coming to conclusions quicker than if she had to explain it. She also works well under pressure, it allows her to think on her feet. Shoji - When at Starfleet Academy a Japanese cadet introduced her to a game called Shoji. She became fascinated by the game and enjoyed playing it. Over the years she has become an expert in the game and has even won competitions on her other postings for her gameplay. Weaknesses include: Romantic relationships - Its not that she is bad at keeping normal relationships such as friendships, but she isn't very good at being honest with herself. Although she values others, she often finds that she crushes far too easily on others she is attracted to. However she never really has has the courage to become romatically involved with anyone. Also she has been described as 'dense' by some of her Human friends. Physical activity - Urushi is not the sporty type. The only sport or exercise she enjoys is swimming, but even then she ends up playing more than exercising. She very nearly failed the Academy due to her physical fitness. Not that she is overweight or unfit, but she just isn't very good at it! Strength - Just like her physical activity weakness, she isn't physically strong. She has enough strength for most basic tasks and starship repairs. Ask her to force open a door and she wouldn't be able to do it. Her upper body strength is all but non-existant. However she has been known to be stronger than she looks when the time has arisen and adrenaline kicks in. White-Coat Sydrome - Urushi hates doctors or anything medical. She has been described as 'Allergic to sickbay'. This is one of the underlying reasons why she is dubious about being joined, she doesn't like the medical side of anything. She was once forced to watch a horror movie which had a little bit of gore in it, she passed out. She can perform basic first aid when necessary, but it takes guts and she will often flee finding an excuse to be elsewhere. After Joining After Joining, Urushi has picked up some more strengths and additional weaknesses from the Leon Symbiot. Engineering Leon's last host, Haruk was a Starfleet Captain and before that he was a Starfleet Engineer. Therefore Urushi now has access to all of the previous hosts knowledge and memories. She now has Emgineeting abilities and knowledge making her more flexible. Command Since Haruk Leon was a Starfleet Captain, his commanding presence and experience has been passed onto Urushi. She now understands how commanding a Starship works, and what it's like to be in the big chair. She also knows about how Starfleet Captain's operate, and 'technically' has nearly twelve years of Command Experience now. Formality One weakness that she has picked up of her sense of Formality. Then Leon symbiot still struggles with the reduction in rank and position. Its one thing that both her and the symbiot need to 'work out'. However she has started to think of others beneath her as needing more respect, even if she doesn't like it so much |
Ambitions | Before Joining Urushi's ambitions are to explore as much of the universe as she possibly can. She has been fascinated with Science and how the universe works since she was very young. She is a little dubious about being joined to a symbiot. She isn't sure if being joined is the best option for her or not, therefore has decided to not enter into the joining program. Instead she had chosen Starfleet as they can provide more opportunity to explore strange new worlds. After Joining Now that Urushi is joined, she has similar ambitions but they have changed a little. She's no longer dubious about being joined and has accepted it as a gift that many Trill don't get the chance to recieve. She has also a new ambition: family. Haruk had no lover, no family and no children in his Starfleet Career. When Leon joined with Urushi it awoke something, the regret of never having a family. So now Urushi and Leon want to experience having a family, having children and being a good parent. |
Hobbies & Interests | Before Joining Hobbies & Interests Include Shoji - When on Earth, a Japanese Cadet introduced her to the game of Shoji. She instantly took a liking to the game and enjoyed it. She has entered contests in the Academy and on other postings before, often winning or coming close to winning. Cooking - Despite it being 'The Age of the Replicator' Urushi really loves to cook, especially when handling different foods. Although some of her cooking 'experiments' have gone badly wrong, she still enjoys the feeling of joy when cooking for others. For her its a achievement to provide for others or herself. Astrophysics - Urushi loves Astrophysics. She enjoys learning how the universe works and is fascinated with how everything seems to 'fall in place'. She wants to one day unlock the secret to the universe and understand how it universe truly works. Music - Urushi loves music. Although she doesn't know how to play an instrument, she enjoys a good melody and beat. She is a secret Earth rock/metal fan although she doesn't look it. She enjoys visiting the holodeck and going to old concerts and gigs from history. Sometimes she can be found humming or singing to herself which helps her concentrate. Her favourite artist from Earth is a classical rock band called Fall Out Boy from Earths 21st century. After Joining Gym Even though Urushi would not consider herself a 'sporty type' she has gained an interest in keeping fit in the gym. This interest cones from the symbiot Leon, who epuld work out all the time. Urushi on the other hand doesn't play sports, but is more than happy to spend time on a treadmill now. (She still likes swimming). Models Urushi has gained an interest in models. The symbiote previous host used to make model ships. This has sort of passed onto Urushi who now finds building models relaxing abd calming. Crop Tops & Shorts For some reason, Urushi has developed her own style of fashion. She now opts to wear more crop tops and shorts than she usually would, which was usually extremely rare. She believes deep down that after joining with Leon, she has somehow become more 'feminine' and has now gained more confidence in how she looks. She also enjoys the freedom it gives her and how it is easier to move around in these clothes. She also believes that since this is the first time Leon has been joined with a female, he still has 'male' traits and enjoys just being 'different' for once. |
Personal History | Personal History Born on Trill, Urushi was always the 'quiet type' that was often found reading in the classroom. That isn't to say that she is shy and had a hard time making friends. Infact she was well likes and respected and found it easy to make friends. She always held her friendships close to her, and she loved spending time with them. She was somewhat of a child prodigy when she was younger, always scoring top or close to the top grades. She excelled in mathematics and the sciences, but fell behind in other areas such as art, physical education and drama. She never really considered these necessary until she was older and realised that these were more culture than anything else. One subject she hated the most was biology, more specifically anatomy of Trills and aliens. She often felt ill when having to study these, and started to develop a phobia of blood. She was offically diagnosed by the school counselor with a Human expression, 'White Coat Sydrome' meaning she often got squeamish and scared around anything medical. This became a real problem as she was only fifteen when this happened. When Urushi was Eighteen years old she had graduated the schooling system on Trill. She was considering what to do with her life. Both of her parents were librarians at Najana Library. She has spent a great deal of her childhood in the library, which is a likely reason for her vast knowledge of different subjects. She tried it out for a few months, but found that she wasn't enjoying it as much as she thought she would. It was then that she found something that captured her interest. Buried in the very back of the library was a large leather bound book about Astrophysics. She had only really ever touched the subject lightly, so she thought she should read it. Reading about Astrophysics sparked something inside her that day. She found herself strangely addicted to wanting to know more. The book made her want to ask more questions, to find out what was out there and to know more. It enticed her in and her mind went into overdrive with wanting to know more about how the universe worked. She had finally found something which had captured her interest and something she could work with to make a career. That was when she started looking at options. She finally came to the conclusion that if she wanted to know more about the universe was to get out into space and see it for herself. There was only one logical route to do this; Starfleet. She discussed this with her parents and both of them were very supportive. She left Trill for the first time to make the journey to Earth and sit the Academy Entrance Exam. She was shocked when she learnt that she had passed the entrance exam and had been accepted into the Science Division at Starfleet Academy. Finally her own path was being paved and she was going to quench the thirst she had to explore the universe and find out how it all works. At the Academy she underwent the standard first year of officers training which included all the basics of serving on a Federation Starship. During this year a Japanese Cadet called Tamiko Koshikawa introduced her to the game of Shoji. Having never played before she gave it a shot and soon realised she really enjoyed playing the game, especially against others. She joined the Academy's Shoji Club and made friends there, she also gained the reputation for being a formidable player and came second in the Academy competition that year, losing to a Vulcan. The next three years at Starfleet Academy she focused on specialising as a Science Officer. In her final year shortly before her cadet cruise she specialised and took advanced classes in Astrophysics which would become her Academy Science Major. She minored in all the other Starfleet Sciences and even took an extra class in Engineering and Warp Physics. Her first posting was aboard the USS Apache an Excelsior Class vessel. Although not the most glamorous or amazing posting, she enjoyed the science abilities of the ship. She was assigned to the Gamma Shift, so she would often be working in the evening or overnight. She enjoyed this as this gave her the opportunity to explore her own interests. It was on Gamma Shift that a Human by the name of John Hunsiette introduced her to old Earth music, especially what he considered 'Classic Rock/Metal'. Although at first it was hard to understand, she started to enjoy it and soon her favourite band was an old Earth band called 'Fall Out Boy'. She was once caught singing along rather loudly (And badly) to a song known as 'Arms Race' at full blast in the science lab. After a two year tour the Apache docked at Deep Space Five for crew reassignments. Urushi found herself on the crew rotations. Although she didn't want to leave, she discovered that it was in her best interests to do. She was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and reassigned to the Nova Class, USS Cassard. Being a small ship, she soon excelled and with a crew of no more than seventy she was well known. The Cassard being a Nova class was a designated science vessel and she was involved in charting unexplored space. The only disadvantage of the Nova class was that it wasn't very fast, and wasn't designed to stay out on long assignments. So the ship often docked at Starbases. Also the small compact design of the ship didn't leave much room for luxuries. Urushi would often visit the Starbases and became a bit of a good critic when visiting new places. It was on the Cassard that Urushi discovered she had a interest in cooking. It was like science, but the results were yummy! Well, usually yummy when she followed a recipe and didn't experiment. Some of her cooking experiments were not exactly successes. However she managed to gain permission to have a small cooking area in her quarters so she could play around with different recipes and methods of cooking. In early 2393 she invited her department head, Lieutenant Harrow to join her for dinner along with the other science officers. It was at this point that Harrow promoted her to the position of Assistant Chief Science Officer. He had been keeping a close eye on her and wanted to see her excel. During her time on the Cassard, she recieved a transmission from home. However it wasn't from her parents. It was from the Trill symbiot joining program. They had contacted her to see if she was interested in becoming joined with a symbiot. Urushi was very dubious about being joined, she understood the basics of being joined. She would gain the knowledge and memories of the symbiot and every host before. Although it sounds fascinating to most, she opted to decline. Not only would her White Coat Syndrome be triggered, but she didn't like the idea of her being someone else apart from herself. Plus it scared her that one day another Trill will inherit her entire personality and experiences, to her those were sacred and private. She wasn't sure she could commit to ever sharing them, especially long after she leaves this universe. Opting to be unique, she decided from that day to start dying her hair, to make herself stand out more, but not too much to be seen as weird or strange. In 2396, she was approached by Lieutenant Harrow again with a proposal. Over the last six years he had become close to Urushi. Unbeknown to her he had developed a little bit of a crush on her. Everyone on the ship of course knew this, but Urushi just didn't see it. Ensign Teela had even told her that she was 'dense' and should 'open her eyes' more. Of course this just confused Urushi, so she continued on. He seemed a little hesitant at first, but gave her a job opportunity that he thought would work well for her. The USS Phoenix was looking for a new Chief Science Officer. It would mean a promotion to full Lieutenant, and it would mean she would have to leave the Cassard. Urushi thought it over and eventually accepted the new position. The Captain of the Cassard threw her a 'going away' party to celebrate her promotion and to make sure she left in style. Unfortunately what no one told Urushi is that it wasn't synthehol they were serving that night, but proper alcohol. After lots of drinks she was very intoxicated. It was at this time that she was a little too flirty with Harrow and one thing led to another. There was nothing more embrassing than doing the walk of shame from his quarters the next morning. She quickly packed her belongings and without saying goodbye boarded the shuttle, still very hungover and made the six day trip alone to Deep Space Three, regretting what she had done. When she arrived at Deep Space Three she was put up in temporary quarters until the USS Phoenix arrived for her to board. During one of her first Missions, the USS Phoenix recieved a distress call from the USS Granger. The ships Captain was a joined Trill, whom had been seriously injured in an accident. Urushis natural instincts kicked in and she openly volunteered to become the next host for the Leon symbiot. Leon Symbiot Leon is a fairly young symbiot compared to others. Before Urushi he was first joined with Haruk, who was host to Leon for forty seven years serving in Starfleet. Eventually Haruk Leon made it to the rank of Captain in Starfleet. |
Service Record | 2384 - 2388 - Starfleet Academy [Cadet, Science Division] 2388 - 2390 - USS Apache [Ensign - Science Officer] 2390 - 2393 - USS Cassard [Lieutenant Junior Grade - Science Officer] 2393 - 2396 - USS Cassard [Lieutanant Junior Grade - Assistant Chief Science Officer] 2396 - 2400 - USS Phoenix [Lieutenant - Chief Science Officer] 2400 - ???? - USS Valkyrie |