A New Opportunity
Posted on Wed Dec 18th, 2024 @ 1:03pm by Ensign Stevie Thomas [O'Riley]
Edited on on Sat Dec 28th, 2024 @ 2:53pm
957 words; about a 5 minute read
A New Beginning
Location: USS Dakota/USS Valkyrie
Timeline: After "Getting To It"
Ensign Stevie Thomas was finishing up the last of her packing on the Dakota while on route to her new assignment aboard the Valkyrie as it’s Computer Systems Specialist.
She was a little concerned about her arrival time since the Dakota was running late due to an unexpected delay. The last thing she wanted was to miss getting aboard her new assignment before it left Utopia Planitia for it’s maiden voyage; that wouldn’t be good.
Stevie was now finished packing; looking around her quarters making sure she hadn’t missed anything when her comm went off “Ensign Thomas please report to the captain’s ready room” came the order. Tapping her comm “On my way Sir” then she grabbed her duffle, took one last quick look around her old home, then secured her quarters before walking to the nearest lift “Deck 1, Bridge.”
Exiting the lift Thomas made her way to the ready room. Walking in “You wanted to see me Captain.”
Looking up from his work he then stood “Yes Ensign, this won’t take long then you can be on your way” the Captain commented with a smile “We’ll be within transporter range of the shipyards very soon. I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you well on your new assignment and tell you how happy I am with your work while on the Dakota. I’m very confident you’ll do just as well on the Valkyrie” as he extended his hand.
Shaking the Captain’s hand “Thank you Sir and may I say it means a lot you saying so about my work here. I’ll make you proud, Sir” she replied with a smile.
“Yes, I’m sure you will. Once again good luck Ensign and for the last time…..you are dismissed” the Captain stated as Stevie turned and left for the transporter room.
Walking into transporter room, Stevie stood on the pad taking one last look around her old home as the Operator commented “Good luck Ensign….initiating transport now” the Lieutenant stated, then the Ensign was gone.
Materializing at the shipyards, Ensign Thomas walked over to the information station “Excuse me Lieutenant, could you be so kind as to let me know where the Valkyrie is docked” she inquired with a smile.
Looking up from his work he saw this beautiful, rather curvaceous women standing in front of him “A….yes….a…..that is…..it’s at docking arm nine; there’s a lift over to the left…..over there” as he pointed while stumbling over his own words “Can I help you with your duffel Ensign?”
“No, I can manage just fine Lieutenant” she replied then turned while saying under her breathe “Jerk!” then gave a little extra wiggle while walking away for his benefit which she was sure he would appreciate given the situation. “Some things never change” she thought in disgust.
Walking up to the gangway, Stevie was happy to see a female security person standing there. With a smile “Hi, Ensign Stevie Thomas reporting for duty” as she handed over her padd to the Officer.
Taking the offered padd the officer checked her own then handed it back after a few moments “All set Ensign, you’re now a registered member of the Crew and I’ve taken the liberty of uploading a map of the ship as well as your quarters assignment. Welcome aboard” she stated with a smile.
“Thank you” as she walked up the gangway to her new home. Entering the nearest lift “Deck 4” as she was off to her new quarters.
Exiting the lift she found her quarters without any problems. Keying in her security code the doors swooshed open then she walked inside and went straight to the bedroom to empty her duffle.
Walking back out into the living area Stevie looked around “Hmm….not overly large but I think this’ll do nicely” she thought as she took a deep breathe “It even smells all new and shiny.
After requesting her crate from cargo holding she grabbed a water from the replicator as the rest of her belongings materialized in front of her.
Setting her water on a nearby table Stevie set to opening the crate and started putting things away. Her uniforms and a variety of civilian outfits, after all a girl had to look good should a date happen to come her way, were taken into the bedroom and put away in either the closet or dresser. Also some momentous were place on top of the dresser and two holo-photos one of her mother and father, and another of her sister, were placed on the nightstand to be viewed often.
Next she grabbed her personal hygiene items which went into a nice sized bathroom containing a sizable sonic shower and the other amenities one would expect.
Lastly Stevie place all her computer manuals on the bookshelf by the desk on the other side of the living area. Tapping her comm “Cargo Chief this is Ensign Stevie Thomas, the crate is empty if you would be so kind as to beam it out of here.”
“Locking onto it now….initializing.” There ensign all set and welcome aboard” the Chief replied.
“Thanks Chief, happy to be here” Stevia answered then sat on the couch finishing up her water. Thinking to herself “If the rest of my new assignment turns out to be as nice as my new quarters are, then I won’t have any complaints.”
After resting for a little while she realized just how hungry she was getting. “I think I’ll shower, dress. Then go find the lounge and grab something to eat.”
Ensign Stevie Thomas [O'Riley]
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Valkyrie