Into the fold - Part 1 - MD 2
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 5:49pm by Captain Daegan Baas & Lieutenant M'Tala "Hobbes" Clan Hrasi & Lieutenant Commander Ridge Maguire & Lieutenant Adana Ramsey
Edited on on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 5:54pm
1,588 words; about a 8 minute read
Sole Survivor
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: MD 02
[Ready Room]
Daegan and Ridge were in the ready room discussing their upcoming explorations. After they pick up a few additions to the crew at SB 152 it would be on, well past the Vandor Sector, and into unexplored space. They would literally be on their own and with what was essentially a free hand. An exploratory mission was what brought most to Starfleet but they still had a young but not entirely unseasoned crew. Daegan was less concerned with their route and more concerned with the crew.
"Exploration can be a lot of nothing between peaks of activity. The last thing we want is a crew growing bored or complacent."
"There are several ways we can take the temperature of the crew," Ridge said, "though I'm surprised you're worried about this so early on, Sir."
"I just want to stay ahead of any issues. We are heading out into the unknown. We could get out there and run into a whole lot of nothing. Drills & training, that's a given but too much of that can actually decrease efficiency. I also don't want to have people spending all their time in the holodecks to break any monotony. We can't just hope we will run into discovery after discovery that will keep everyone engaged.
"Let 's set the stage for ship wide activities like departmental competitions, various tournaments, etc.. I'd rather have a couple of cards up our sleeves ready to pull. If we wait until there is already a problem, one it's already a problem and two the crew will see it as us trying to break them out of a rut and their heart won't be in it.
"But like you eluded to it's not something we need to worry about yet. there is still a lot of shine on the ship and crew but if there is a periodic activity of some kind for a little competition or celebration that everyone can look forward to..."
Deagan was interrupted by voice over the comm even as the ship dropped from warp. == Helm to Captain Baas. Sir we have dropped from warp and are approaching Starbase 152. ==
"Very good. Request a parking orbit around the station and tell the station we are standing by for crew transfers."
== Aye sir. ==
As the channel closed Deagan smirked. "Thanks to our QSD test we are over 12 hrs ahead of our scheduled ETA. Bet there will be a few people scrambling when the station's ops lets them know we've arrived."
"Probably a good thing we sleep on board," Ridge answered. "Ops has been known to be creative in the way they let their feelings be known."
[SB 152]
The station's ops confirmed the close parking the display showed the Vesta class starship. A rare sight, specially out here, but while not the biggest ship in the Federation the Vesta was one of the sleekest and most advanced. After staring at the screen for a few moments the Lieutenant word to those on the station waiting on the Valkyries arrival.
Adana was in the middle of a seated forward fold when she received the notification that Valkyrie had arrived and was ready to receive her. Confused, she slowly rose to her feet and checked the chronometer. The ship wasn't due to arrive for another twelve... and then it clicked, and she couldn't help but grin. It seemed the quantum slipstream drive was online and operational. Of course they would have initiated it on the way here, the relatively short trip being the perfect opportunity to 'kick the tires', if she remembered the old expression correctly.
She showered and changed into her uniform, quickly but carefully packing what few personal items she'd had on hand into her duffel. Most of her belongings were still in the crate she'd packed back on the Aurora, and she trusted the starbase staff to see it safely to her new ship. Pulling her hair back into a high ponytail, she secured it in a messy bun. Not the way she would have chosen to style herself, but time was of the essence and it would have to do. Slinging her duffel over her shoulder, she left the guest quarters and made her way to the nearest transporter pad.
[Station's bio-dome]
M'Tala was sprinting on all fours around the Starbases bio-dome when the notice from Ops came in. He had acknowledged to the update and stopped cold. They were 12 hours early! Taking a site to site transport back to his guest quarters he stripped down, took a sonic shower, used his claws to comb out his fur before putting on a fresh uniform. After all that he packed up the last of his gear, arranged for the transfer of his person effects, informed the station ops that he was ready to depart and requested transport to the Valkyrie.
[USS Valkyrie]
Minutes later, Adana had arrived on the bridge. Stepping from the starboard turbolift, her eyes shifted to the right and the entrance to the Captain's ready room. She'd spent her time waiting for her transfer wisely, and the deck plan of the entire ship had been committed to memory. Still, there was protocol, and she turned her attention to the officer on deck instead of striding over to press the chime.
"Lieutenant Ramsey, here to see Captain Bass."
Ridge, who had just come out of the Ready Room, gestured in that direction. "That way, Lieutenant."
"Thank you, Commander," Adana nodded, moving past him to press the door chime.
[Transporter Room 2]
After he materialized he stepped off the padd looking to the operation. "Lieutenant M'Tala reporting, permission to come aboard?"
"Granted sir. If you want to leave your things I will see that they get to your quarters."
"Thank you Chief."
Dropping his bag next to the console he headed out into the Corridor and to the nearest lift to the bridge.
As the lift doors opened the Ready Room doors were closing. M'Tala scanned the bridge taking a mental note of the officers there. The green Klingon definitely standing out...then again a green Klingon was kinda hard to hide.
Stepping down to the command section, seeing the Captain's chair was empty, "Good day Commander, Lieutenant M'Tala reporting for duty."
"You must be our new Chief," Ridge said as he rose to his feet. "Come on, we can talk in there." He led the way across the Bridge and went through the door into the Valkyrie's Conference Room. It was standard in design, intended for briefings and discussions, and, as his former Captain often said, for First Officer's who needed a place to 'chat' with a member of the crew. "Please, have a seat Lieutenant."
[Ready Room]
Daegan leaned back as the officer entered, motioning her to a seat. "Nice to finally meet you face to face Lieutenant."
His attention draw to the lights come up in the conference lounge. "Computer opaque partition."
Adana's attempt to stand at attention interrupted by the invitation, she almost tripped over her own feet and felt her cheeks flush. Recovering, she sat gracefully and smiled. "Likewise, Captain. You made excellent time here, sir. Smooth sailing?"
"Yes. The first time in a slipstream is definitely an experience though. Our early arrival didn't disrupt your leave did it?"
"No, not at all," Adana asserted. "Regarding leave, I mean. I always considered that borrowed time, since I feel as though I should have been there for launch. I know that wasn't logistically possible, but I don't like it when others have to cover my duties along with their own." She caught the reflection of her imperfectly styled hair and frowned. "The early arrival did catch me in the middle of a workout, though, so I apologize for my appearance. It does not reflect how I present myself when on duty."
Daegan smiled. "Well Lieutenant, covering for others is part of what a good crew does for one another. When things aren't 'logistically possible' as you say, a crew or an individual has to be able to adapt and overcome..." He was slightly puzzled at her last. "...what's wrong with your appearance?"
"My hair, sir," Adana answered, unsure of why he needed to ask. She turned slightly to allow a better view of the loosely gathered strands. "Outside of a red alert that interrupted my sleep, I would never set foot on the bridge with hair that's been so casually tied back. It might technically be regulation, but it's sloppy, and unbecoming of a senior officer. We must set an example."
As if to punctuate her explanation, one of those loose strands fell in front of her face. She cocked an eyebrow as if to say See what I mean?
Daegan chuckled at her expression. "Well things happen. I've got several lifetimes of memories and I don't recall anyone getting keelhauled for a stray hair or two."
Adana nodded politely, appreciating the friendly effort to put her at ease while accepting that the dress code here was likely more relaxed. Not her command, not her call. Perhaps a change of subject?
"Did any department heads report inventory discrepancies? We should be able to replace anything before we depart the starbase and therefore reduce rerouting any unnecessary power to replicators once underway."
Daenal shook his head. "No discrepancies reported and, thus far no requests for additionally items have made it to my desk as yet. Though we are due to leave tomorrow so if there is a request it better get expedited with station ops.