Into the fold - Part 2 - MD 2
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 5:53pm by Captain Daegan Baas & Lieutenant M'Tala "Hobbes" Clan Hrasi & Lieutenant Commander Ridge Maguire & Lieutenant Adana Ramsey
Edited on on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 5:54pm
1,498 words; about a 7 minute read
Sole Survivor
Location: Ready Room / Conference Lounge
Timeline: MD 2
There will be a briefing of the senior staff tomorrow morning so if you like you can spend the rest of the day checking in, looking over your department, and getting settled in."
"Of course." Adana rose. "Thank you for making me welcome. Before I go, I would like to formally submit myself for consideration for ship's second officer. If you've not yet selected one, that is."
Baas looked up at her before standing. Thinking to himself, ~This one's ambitious.~ "I haven't selected anyone for that position as yet. That was one of the things to be addressed tomorrow morning, but I will your request under advisement. Just one last thing, computer, senior officer appointment. Lieutenant Adana Ramsey is hear by designated Chief Operations Officer of the USS Valkyrie. Authorization Baas, Gamma-91735-Echo."
"Acknowledged. All Operations department authorizations are assigned to Lieutenant Adana Ramsey."
"Thank you, Captain. I look forward to serving with you." With those words, the Lieutenant turned and left the ready room via the door she'd entered.
[Conference Lounge]
"Thank you sir." He took a seat his tail arching to his left. "I have to say I was looking over the ships specs and QSD aside, the Valkyrie has one of the more complex shuttle bays for a starship."
"And what are your thoughts on the design," Ridge asked as he found a seat for himself and grinned slightly. "Honestly never met a Chief who didn't have an opinion on their department."
"Well sir, while unique it has both advantages and disadvantages. If operated efficiently it should we should be able to eliminate any unnecessary congestion between the maintenance section and the forward elevators. I had planned implementing a recovery pattern to where all shuttles return by way of the landing platform, process through maintenance, and then return to its berth in the main bay. Cycling all our craft down, forward, and up. Any visiting shuttles can be handled as needed."
"Not that we'd have a lot of shuttles returning at one time, but still, the plan makes sense," Ridge said. "If you feel the need to implement this plan, then there's an assumption that something else is being done now. What exactly?"
"Well I would have to see exactly how things are presently being operated before implementing any changes, if any. Who knows, the staff may already have things running smoothly."
"It's always good," Ridge said, smiling slightly, "to give the people already there a chance to impress you. You're new, you have ideas. That's good. Great even. But better is starting from a place of respect, for what they have already done. Ask questions. Find out what they see as being wrong and bring that into your designs and plans."
Hobbes nodded, "Wouldn't think of do things any other way. I learned really quick during my time as a fighter jock that you don't wanna hack off those maintaining your craft. Meaning, ya take care of your people...they take care of you."
Ridge nodded and while he understood the sentiment, he had always seen it more as a privilege than quid pro quo but then, that was him. "So," he said, "tell me something about yourself. Have you run a department before?"
"Well I was a flight leader on the Columbia and then on the Aurora I was appointed the assistant department head for flight ops, but this assignment will be the first time running one on my own. I have to say I am really looking forward to checking out the QSD."
"I don't think you're not alone in that," Ridge said. "The Aurora, you said? Who's the Captain?"
"That would be Captain Moore, sir. Do you know Captain Moore?"
"I do," Ridge said, nodding as he spoke. He smiled, genuine and warm, as he added, "we played chess at a conference we both attended. He claimed to have made it his mission to learn the game well enough to beat me, next time we met. Good man and an interesting conversationalist. Inordinately fond of that mustache of his."
Hobbes' ears shifted and a look of puzzlement came across his face. "I think we are talking about two different people sir. My former Captain was a woman and a ... well very particular when it came to regulations and protocol."
"Hmm, possibly," Ridge said. "Anyway, things are looking good here. If you'll just give me a moment to speak with the Captain, we can get you situated."
"Roger that sir."
Ridge exited the Conference Room and made the short trip to the Captain's Ready Room where he pressed the chime and waited for a response.
The door had only just closed and had turned to the replicator behind him. "Ice Tea, sweet."
As the beverage materialized he called out. "Enter."
"Okay, spoke with Lieutenant Hobbes who's a bit on the eager side but I think has potential," Ridge said. "You just need to approve the transfer so that he has the right permissions and all. And how was your Lieutenant?"
Setting his tea down he reached up to dab the droplet at the edge of his lip. "She seems little ridged, but that's not necessarily a bad thing and could just be her just wanting to present a bit of spit and polish to a new CO. Just have to see. She's definitely ambitious though, not aboard an hour and already applying for 2nd Officer."
Ridge shook his head slightly. "I don't know that that's a good thing, Sir. Or that she's the most qualified. Are you actually considering her?"
Shrugging a bit as he wrinkled his chin. "Well to be fair, at this point, anyone selected would be a record only selection. We have a wide range of personalities with the departments head from ridged to boisterous and everything in between.
We could hold out on that appointment to see how things shake out or rotate those interested to see who works out the best."
"Rather than rotate them through the position," Ridge countered, "how about we rotate them through Gamma Shift Bridge duty? See how each of them does over a few shifts. Or even let them lead some of the more routine away teams."
Cocking his head as he thought. "I like the away team idea. Ensures that either of us is readily available in the event something goes sideways. Although there is no reason we can't do both the Gamma command and away teams. I will make an announcement in the upcoming staff meeting and we can see who else throws their hat in the ring."
"Agreed," Ridge said, grinning slightly. "We'll get the most qualified officer and get a look at their capabilities before giving them the position."
"Excellent. Well let's get our new officers all settled in today, meeting of the senior staff tomorrow morning, a QSD jump to our mission IP and we can finally get to work."
"I'll send Hobbes in then so that you can formalize his position," Ridge answered. He left the Ready Room and headed back to the lounge where the Lieutenant waited. "You can go ahead to the Ready Room now, Lieutenant. The captain is waiting."
Daegan sat back sipping his tea as the Caitian entered. Setting his tea down he raised his hand to head off the typical 'reporting for duty' greeting. even as he extended his hand. "Welcome aboard. The XO tells me everything is in order and you are ready to go."
Taking the Captain's hand he shook it firmly. "Yes sir. It's a pleasure to finally meeting you in person and I look forward serving on such an advanced ship."
"The pleasure is mine Lieutenant. The Valkyrie must be a big change from your last assignment?"
"Most definitely sir. But rest assured I'm up to the task."
"If I had thought you were up to the challenge you wouldn't have made the cut. The helm office on my last command was a former fighter pilot so that was a factor in your favor. But you need to finish getting checked in and settled before taking you post I won't keep you any long. However before you go...
"Computer, senior officer appointment. Lieutenant M'Tala is hear by designated Chief Flight Officer of the USS Valkyrie. Authorization Baas, Gamma-91735-Echo."
The computer reply came quickly. "Acknowledge. All authorizations governing the department of flight operations are assigned to Lieutenant M'Tala."
"All done. Anything for me?"
"No sir."
"Well then, the rest of the day is yours to get settled in. There will be a meeting of the senior staff tomorrow morning. I will have my yeoman make sure you have the time and place on your schedule."
"Thank you Captain."
"Dismissed." Daegan watched him leave before returning to his desk and contacting Jules to see if she was available for lunch.
Captain Daegan Baas
Lt. Commander Ridge Maguire
First Officer
Lieutenant M'Tala aka Hobbes
Chief Helm Officer
NPC played by Bass
Lieutenant Adana Ramsey
Chief Operations Officer